Laumont and El Rosal join forces to create truffled cigarette cookies, the most innovative dessert for Christmas

Laumont and El Rosal join forces to create truffled cigarette cookies, the most innovative dessert for Christmas

El Rosal, a social workshop with over 100 years of history, and Laumont, a leading company specialising in truffles and mushrooms, have joined forces to create a unique social product with a soul: truffled cigarette cookies.

With the motto "When you add up talent, you multiply opportunities", Laumont and El Rosal aim to highlight during this Christmas campaign the importance of giving opportunities to people in professional reintegration, while seeking to promote the synergy between the country's companies in order to achieve results that would not be possible without the union of different talents that can be found, in this case, in places as different as a biscuit factory and a company specialising in truffles and mushrooms. The result of these synergies is the Cubanito with truffled chocolate, an innovative dessert composed of a biscuit base used by El Rosal for its products and truffled chocolate supplied by Laumont.

Martín Berasategui, Spain's most starred chef and Laumont's gastronomic advisor, participated in the project.  Berasategui was the first person selected to try this new Christmas treat and can be seen in the video that was published on Rosal and Laumont's social networks. The well-known chef was so impressed with the project and the Cubanito truffle that he organised a visit with the project designers to his restaurant in Lasarte. A team of El Rosal and Laumont members went to his 3-star Michelin restaurant to visit him and explain the project.

El Rosal is a social economy project that makes handmade biscuits.  Its workshop is an inclusive workspace where the skills of all the people who work there are enhanced. Núria Cendoya, one of the leaders, says that "the visit to the Martín Berasategui restaurant was a very special day for all of us and for what it means for our social project". She also adds that "the fact that Laumont considered us for this project means that we are working very well and it gives us the strength to keep improving and innovating.»

For her part, Joanra Burgués, director of the Laumont brand, highlights that "we knew that if we combined the excellence of Laumont truffles with the excellence of Rosal cookies, the result would be incredible and the project would work perfectly... and that is what happened". The success of the action is underlined by Martin Berasategui: "This initiative touched my taste buds, but also my heart. The team that has made this project a reality is amazing.  I really enjoyed watching this group of people pushing themselves and going above and beyond to bring happiness. »

For this Christmas season, a limited number of truffled Cubanitos will be available for purchase on the online shop. If the project is successfully consolidated and accepted, it is very likely that it will be continued over the next few years and that the product will be a permanent reference in El Rosal and Laumont catalogue.

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