Laumont has created a solidarity gourmet box with AFANOC, an association that provides resources for children with cancer.

Laumont has created a solidarity gourmet box with AFANOC, an association that provides resources for children with cancer.

Laumont will donate 5 euros from each gourmet box sold to AFANOC, an association that provides resources for children with cancer.

This Christmas, LAUMONT launched a social and solidarity project with AFANOC, the Catalan Association for Children with Cancer.

The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness of childhood cancer, to publicise the work done by AFANOC to support families throughout the disease and to help the organisation financially.

The initiative consists of the creation of a gourmet solidarity pack containing various truffle products (oil, carpaccio and truffle sauce) designed especially for Christmas meals. A jointly designed gift that can be purchased at online store. Laumont will donate 5 euros from each gourmet box sold to AFANOC.


The pandemic has seriously affected the situation of AFANOC as a third sector entity. These restrictions have prevented the organisation from carrying out its large-scale events, which were its main source of income to finance all the services it provides free of charge to families, both in Barcelona's referral hospitals (Vall d'Hebron and Sant Joan de Déu) and in "La Casa dels Xuklis", a flat run by AFANOC that serves as temporary accommodation for children and teenagers with cancer and their families during their treatment. In addition, the need for care has increased, as the situation of families has worsened due to the health emergency.

In order to promote the work of the organisation, we have specially produced a box of gastronomic products, which includes an explanation of the project in three languages (Catalan, Spanish and English) and which presents the Xuklis, one of the symbols of AFANOC. Xuklis are magical beings so called because they have the ability to suck out the bad feelings that the child's cancer generates in the family environment. The Xuklis "work" in the paediatric oncology and haematology departments of children's cancer reference hospitals.

This is the first collaboration between AFANOC and Laumont company, which is very optimistic about this Christmas campaign and hopes to return to the normality that existed before the pandemic.


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