Laumont and AFANOC solidarity initiative raises €2,000 for children and adolescents with cancer

Laumont and AFANOC solidarity initiative raises €2,000 for children and adolescents with cancer

The gourmet solidarity pack will continue to be sold at Laumont Shop online shop while stocks last.

A total of €2,000 has been raised during this Christmas campaign with the "Gourmet solidarity packs" initiative carried out jointly by AFANOC (Association of Children with Cancer of Catalonia) and Laumont.

Both the organisation and the company describe this initiative as a success which, beyond the money raised, has also helped to promote AFANOC's activities and has made this organisation known nationally and internationally among all its clients.

The initiative, which consists of Laumont's collaboration of €5 for each solidarity pack sold through the Laumont online shop, has been well received by all types of public and will continue until stocks of the personalised box with AFANOC's signature Xuklis are exhausted.

The €2,000 will be used to improve the quality of life of families with children and adolescents with cancer. On the one hand, with the Casa dels Xuklis project, a temporary accommodation located near the Vall d'Hebron hospital in Barcelona where families living outside the metropolitan area live for the duration of the treatments. On the other hand, it will also help to finance the Lleida delegation, which offers psychosocial and emotional support to families when they return to their city once they have been discharged from hospital.

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Laumont has created a solidarity gourmet box with AFANOC, an association that provides resources for children with cancer.
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